I have participated in the development of the ENOTAM or Electronic NOTAM website to support operational departments, namely the Flight Data Operators (FDO) and Air Traffic Controllers (ATC). Since the Aerothai messaging system receives more than 100,000 messages per day, it's challenging and time-consuming for FDOs to filter out NOTAM messages for preparation and delivery to ATCs across various control towers. The ENOTAM system helps solve the problem of message filtering and distribution, making it easier. The system has a customizable filter according to user requirements, and it also allows for editing and altering messages through a web form, eliminating the need for paper data. Moreover, it has a well-controlled and organized workflow for processing/approving messages before they are displayed on the ATC screens at the control towers. The system also alerts when new messages arrive, ensuring users don't miss any messages coming into the system, thereby enhancing efficiency and significantly reducing work time.